Warrior Sailing Outreach Network managed by Ian Holtzworth has a growing array of sailing activities for Warrior Sailors. Here are some happenings around the network.

Learning the Art of Boat Restoration – A gentleman recently reached out to us about getting involved with the program in the DC area. Carlton is a retired Navy doctor who spent the last 12 years working with warriors in Bethesda. He also has a variety of sailing experience in dinghies such as the Lightning and Snipe, as well as cruising. Currently Carlton is completing a complete restoration of a 1972 Bristol 40 in Galesville, MD. If anyone in the area has interest in learning a lot about boat ownership, maintenance, and cruising – this would be a great connection! He has also taught a number of classes, including “Applied Physics for Better Boat Speed” which sounds pretty interesting.

Wooden Boats for Veterans – Wooden Boats for Veterans recently received recognition for their work in the San Francisco Bay area. WBFV re-purposes wooden boats so they may be crewed by veterans to deliver wellness, medical care, outreach services and veteran benefits awareness to veterans living in the San Francisco Bay and the surrounding Delta waterways. If you’ve ever been interested in wooden boats and live on the West Coast… this would be a great program to look into.

More Sailing Around the Chesapeake – Elliot Peterson, who sails out of the Patuxent River recently reached out to us about taking some people sailing on his Merit 28 race boat. While he competes in the Wednesday night series, his suggestion was to start with a day/evening sail for a few hours to gain some experience and hands on instruction. Elliott is an ASA certified keelboat instructor and former Marine Corp. The full crew for the boat is 5 to 6 people, so if there is further interest in racing – there would be an opportunity to join the team! If you are interested, reach out to Elliott directly at (443) 624-8662 or by email at [email protected].

Warrior Certification Camp – Warrior Sailing Keelboat Certification Camp – August 5th through 7th – Seattle, Washington | For graduates of our Basic Training Camps, this is the next step! The curriculum will be that of the ASA keelboat certification. Training will be held on the J22, with all ASA materials, examination, and membership fees covered. Lodging will be provided – however participants are required to supply their own travel arrangements. Registration is open at the following link.

Have an idea for a sailing outreach opportunity? Contact Ian